Our Story

A business woman in a spotlight presenting to an audience.
Our Story

Aon is in the Business of Better Decisions

At Aon, we exist to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world.

Our Story

Our world has become more volatile — economically, socially and geopolitically — than ever before. In an interconnected and interdependent world, organizations and individuals are under constant pressure to make complex business decisions, sometimes without all the necessary facts — and almost always at speed.

In this challenging economic and social environment, organizations are asking themselves two fundamental questions:

• How do I protect my organization against risk and volatility?
• How do I grow the potential of my workforce?

At Aon, we help our clients shape business decisions for the better. We believe that businesses thrive when the communities they serve and the people they employ also flourish.

We work with our clients, providing them with the advice and solutions that give them the clarity and confidence to make better decisions to protect and grow their business.

Our collaborative approach ensures every Aon client is better informed, better advised and able to make better decisions on a global and local level.

Data, insights and analytics.

Our unparalleled analytics capabilities, combined with our experienced teams, help organizations be better informed on the issues that matter.

Advice and experience.

Our global experience and local expertise mean that we are better able to define new threats and identify opportunities.

Superior outcomes.

The end benefit of all that we do is enabling our clients to make better decisions that protect and grow their businesses.

Working Together as One Firm

At Aon, we are dedicated to helping clients meet unmet or unfulfilled needs stemming from today's rapidly changing, increasingly complex and interconnected challenges. To learn more, explore the four biggest areas of need our clients face.

Clarity and Confidence to Make Better Decisions

At Aon, we exist to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world.

Explore Aon's ESG Impact

At Aon, we measure our impact through an ESG lens, both by how we operate our firm and the market-leading solutions we deliver to meet our client’s growing needs.

  • 2030

    We’re making the commitment to go carbon-neutral by 2030.

  • 20%

    of our executive discretionary incentive compensation is based on I&D goals.

Our Values

At Aon, our values define who we are as colleagues and are the foundation of all we do.

Leadership and Governance

Aon's success is founded on an unwavering commitment to personal and professional integrity, ethics, honesty and fair dealing. Aon's senior management team and Board of Directors embrace these principles.

Aon at a Glance

  • 120+

    Aon operates in 120-plus countries and sovereignties. 

  • 50K+

    Aon is home to more than 50,000 colleagues.